Plant protection products: time of cultivation determines indication

| Plant protection products Seed and planting material

The Federal Office informs crop advisors about changes in cultivation methods regarding fall cultivation, which raise new questions regarding the indication of plant protection products: There are no technical or legal objections that plant protection products for use in winter cereals may also be used on spring cereals if they are sown in the fall.

Significance for the use of plant protection products

For the classification of a cereal crop in the context of the authorization of plant protection products, only the sowing date is decisive as to whether a variety/crop is to be regarded as a summer or winter crop. If spring cereals are sown as winter cereals in the fall or early winter, the winter cereals indication applies. This means that the use of plant protection products that are approved for use on winter cereals is legal. There are neither legal nor technical concerns in this regard on the part of the scientific risk assessment of plant protection products.

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