Pursuant to § 10 para 1 of the Feedstuffs Act 1999, Federal Law Gazette I No. 139/1999 (FMG), the performance of scientific experiments with feedstuffs, premixtures and additives shall be notified to the Federal Office for Food Safety, stating the scientific director and the location, duration, time and extent as well as any other information required to prescribe any conditions and requirements pursuant to para 2. Such feedingstuffs, premixtures and additives shall be labelled as such and stored separately and shall not be placed on the market.
Paragraph 2 provides that, where necessary to protect the health of humans and animals or to maintain or improve the performance of farm animals, the authority shall impose conditions and requirements which may relate to the intended use, the permitted content of ingredients, additives or undesirable substances, the chemical composition, spatial or temporal restrictions on manufacture or feeding or the obligation to submit the results of the experiment carried out.
Please note that the provisions of the Animal Experimentation Act 2012, BGBl. I No. 114/2012 must continue to be observed in accordance with paragraph 3.
Trial notification to the BAES
The test report should describe the test design and include the active substance used or the concrete objective of the test. It must also be determined whether a feeding experiment has an impact on the quality of meat or milk and other animal products or other food and feed. In any case, it must be made known what happens to the products produced.
For notifications in accordance with § 10 FMG, the form "Notification of feeding attempts" must be used and submitted to the Federal Office for Food Safety (futtermittel@baes.gv.at) before the start of the experiment.
Insects as Feedstuff
Official feed inspectors have recently been increasingly confronted with issues related to the feeding of insects. The Dokumet below "Insects as feed" is intended to provide an overview and a guideline for the handling of insects (products) in connection with animal feed.