Control planning

The annual control plan specifies the number of sampling and/or compliance checks, as well as the number of establishments to be controlled and the operational controls to be carried out. The planned figures determine sampling and take into account follow-up activities due to infringements from previous periods and capacities for ad hoc activities.

The target figures stated with regard to sampling and/or compliance inspections, as well as the establishments to be inspected and the operational inspections to be carried out, as well as the implementation of the inspection plan, were determined in consultation and agreement with the organizational units concerned, so that it can be assumed that the availability of resources can be planned.

Overview of the inspection plans and reports

Seeds and potato seedlings

The marketing (sale, display, holding for sale, transfer in the course of trade, etc.) of seed and potato seedlings is governed by the Seed Act 1997 and relevant ordinances.

Monitoring of agricultural inputs is carried out through certification and approval of products and "operational monitoring". The latter is ensured through inspections, supervision of approvals, monitoring and authorizations. In the case of seed and potato seed potatoes, one of the objectives is to monitor the traceability of the entire production process, starting from the initial seed or potato seed potatoes, field identity, harvesting, transport, storage, processing up to the final processed seed or potatoes in the bag with the official label.

All monitoring activities are basically to be seen separately from the traffic control.

Seed traffic control checks, independently of seed certification and seed licensing, compliance with the provisions of the Seed Act on seed and potato planting material in circulation in Austria. The aim of this is to ensure that the products are marketed in conformity with the standards by means of risk-based control planning. Essential elements of the marketing control are a company- or product-related random sample, the follow-up control and the "ad hoc control" for special current problems.

Obligation to report according to §9 Seed Act

The obligation to notify under Section 9 of the Seed Act must also be seen in the context of goal-oriented monitoring and control. According to the provisions of the Seed Act 1997 as amended, a notification obligation is provided for if someone intends to produce, fill or process seed or potato planting material for others and place it on the market for the first time or resealed. In addition, the notification also collects data to establish and update a multi-year risk-based integrated control plan.

This notification must be made via BAES eServices.

Planting material

Planting stock according to Section 2 of the Planting Stock Act is defined as the totality of propagating and planting material and applies to the marketing according to Section 1 of the Planting Stock Act of

  • Planting stock of ornamental plants intended for production for ornamental purposes,
  • planting material of vegetable species according to Annex II of the Directive 92/33/EEC
  • Planting stock of fruit species for fruit production according to Annex II of the Directive 92/34/EEC.

The import control of planting material from third countries is carried out together with the phytosanitary import control according to § 14 (3) Planting Material Act. Within the framework of the import control, the importer submits an import document showing, among other things, the country of origin, the name of the variety and a confirmation that it is planting material within the meaning of the Planting Material Act. The phytosanitary certificate can also be considered as an import document if the necessary information is entered under the heading "Additional declarations". In case the phytosanitary certificate does not contain such data, the importer shall submit the import document completed by himself. In case the planting material is not intended for commercial purposes, but only for personal use, a written declaration for personal use must be submitted. See the relevant forms - Planting Material Act.


Ausbildungs- und Nachschulungskurstermine sowie Prüfungstermine gem. § 39 Abs. 2, SaatG 1997 idgF für fachlich befähigte und ermächtigte Personen Schulungsbereiche - Feldbesichtigung, Probenahme und Samenprüfung

Aktuelle Termine

Ausbildungs- und Nachschulungskurstermine sowie Prüfungstermine gem. § 39 Abs. 2, SaatG 1997 idgF für fachlich befähigte und ermächtigte Personen Schulungsbereiche - Feldbesichtigung, Probenahme und Samenprüfung

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